Source code for CHiC.tool.run_chicago


.. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
   regarding copyright ownership.
   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from __future__ import print_function

import os
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
from shutil import rmtree
from shutil import move
from utils import logger

    if hasattr(sys, '_run_from_cmdl') is True:
        raise ImportError
    from pycompss.api.parameter import FILE_IN, FILE_OUT, IN
    from pycompss.api.task import task
    from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on, compss_delete_file, compss_open
except ImportError:
    logger.warn("[Warning] Cannot import \"pycompss\" API packages.")
    logger.warn("          Using mock decorators.")

    from utils.dummy_pycompss import FILE_IN, FILE_OUT, IN  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    from utils.dummy_pycompss import task # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    from utils.dummy_pycompss import compss_wait_on, compss_delete_file, compss_open # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports

from basic_modules.tool import Tool
from basic_modules.metadata import Metadata


[docs]class ChicagoTool(Tool): """ tool for running the CHiCAGO algorithm """ def __init__(self, configuration=None): """ Initialise the tool with its configuration. Parameters ---------- configuration : dict dictionary containing parameters that define how the operation should be carried out, which are specific to the tool. """ print("Running Chicago") Tool.__init__(self) if configuration is None: configuration = {} self.configuration.update(configuration)
[docs] @staticmethod def untar_chinput(chinput_tar): """ This function take as input the tar chinput Parameters ---------- chinput_tar: str path to the tar file, the tar files should have the same prefix name as the tar file Returns ------- list of untar files """ if chinput_tar.split(".")[-1] == "tar": tar = tar.extractall(path=os.path.split(chinput_tar)[0]) tar.close() directory_path = os.path.split(chinput_tar)[0]+"/chinput" files_dir = os.listdir(directory_path) chinput_paths = [] for chinput_name in files_dir: chinput_paths.append(directory_path+"/"+chinput_name) files_comman_sp = str(",".join(chinput_paths)) return files_comman_sp else: return chinput_tar
[docs] @task(returns=bool, input_files=FILE_IN, output=FILE_OUT, params=IN, setting_file=FILE_IN, rmap=FILE_IN, baitmap=FILE_IN, nbpb=FILE_IN, npb=FILE_IN, poe=FILE_IN, washu=FILE_OUT, pdf=FILE_OUT) def chicago(self, input_files, output_prefix, output, params, setting_file, rmap, baitmap, nbpb, npb, poe, washu, pdf): """ Run and annotate the Capture-HiC peaks. Chicago will create 4 folders under the outpu_prefix data : output_index.Rds --> chicago data saved on Rds format output_index_params.txt --> parameters used to run Chicago output_index.export_format --> chicago output in the chosen format diag_plots : 3 plots to assest the quality of the output (see CHicago Capture-HiC documentation for details) enrichment_data: files for the feature enrichment output (in case is used) examples: output_index_proxExamples.pdf: random chosen peaks showing interactions regions see for more information Parameters ---------- input_files: str ot comma separated list if there is more than one replicate output_prefix: str output_dir: str (whole path for the output) params: dict Returns ------- bool writes the output files in the defined location """ output_dir = os.path.split(output)[0] script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "scripts/runChicago.R") rlib = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp_R_lib") if not os.path.exists(rlib): os.makedirs(rlib) input_untared = self.untar_chinput(input_files) args = ["Rscript", script, input_untared, output_prefix, "--output-dir", output_dir, "--settings-file", setting_file, "--design-dir", os.path.split(rmap)[0]] args += params print(" ".join(args))"chicago CMD: " + " ".join(args)) process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) process.wait() proc_out, proc_err = process.communicate() try: move(output_dir+"/data/"+output_prefix+"_washU_text.txt", washu) move(output_dir+"/examples/"+output_prefix+"_proxExamples.pdf", pdf) tar =, "w") tar.add(output_dir+"/data", arcname="data") tar.add(output_dir+"/diag_plots", arcname="diag_plots") tar.add(output_dir+"/examples", arcname="examples") tar.add(output_dir+"/enrichment_data", arcname="enrichment_data") tar.close() rmtree(output_dir+"/data") rmtree(output_dir+"/diag_plots") rmtree(output_dir+"/examples") rmtree(output_dir+"/enrichment_data")"Tar folder with chinput output file") return True except IOError: logger.fatal("chicago failed to generate peak file") logger.fatal("chicago stdout" + proc_out) logger.fatal("chicago stderr" + proc_err) return False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_chicago_params(params): """ Function to handle to extraction of commandline parameters and formatting them for use in the aligner for BWA ALN Parameters ---------- params : dict Returns ------- list """ command_params = [] command_parameters = { #"chicago_design_dir": ["--design-dir", True], "chicago_print_memory": ["--print-memory", False], "chicago_cutoff": ["--cutoff", True], "chicago_export_format":["--export-format", True], "chicago_export_order": ["--export-order", True], "chicago_rda": ["--rda", True], "chicago_save_df_only": ["--save-df-only", False], "chicago_examples_prox_dist": ["--examples-prox-dist", True], "chicago_examples_full_range": ["--examples-full-range", False], "chicago_en_feat_files": ["--en-feat-files", True], "chicago_en_feat_list": ["--en-feat-list", True], "chicago_en_feat_folder" :["--en-feat-folder", True], "chicago_en_min_dist": ["--en-min-dist", True], "chicago_en_max_dist": ["--en-max-dist", True], "chicago_en_full_cis_range": ["--en-full-cis-range", False], "chicago_en_sample_no": ["--en-sample-no", True], "chicago_en_trans": ["--en-trans", False], "chicago_features_only": ["--features-only", False] } for param in params: if param in command_parameters and params[param] != "None": if command_parameters[param][1]: command_params += [command_parameters[param][0], params[param]] else: if command_parameters[param][0]: command_params += [command_parameters[param][0]] print(command_params) return command_params
[docs] def run(self, input_files, input_metadata, output_files): """ The main function to run chicago for peak calling. The input files are .chinput and are transformed from BAM files using input files could be just one file or a comma separated files from more than one biological replicate. Technical replicates should be pooled to one .chinput Parameters ---------- input_files : dict list of .chinput files, or str with a single .chinput file input_metadata : dict output_files: dict with the output path Returns ------- output_files : Dict List of locations for the output files, output_metadata : Dict List of matching metadata dict objects """ #delete files that are not returned to the user rtree_file_dat = "tests/data/test_rmap/rtree_file.dat" rtree_file_idx = "tests/data/test_rmap/rtree_file.idx" chr_handler = "tests/data/test_baitmap/chr_handler.txt" RMAP = "tests/data/test_run_chicago/test.rmap" out_baitmap = "tests/data/test_run_chicago/test.baitmap" bait_sam = "tests/data/test_baitmap/baits.sam" nbpb = "tests/data/test_run_chicago/test.nbpb" npb = "tests/data/test_run_chicago/test.npb" poe = "tests/data/test_run_chicago/test.poe" out_bam = "tests/data/test_baitmap/baits.bam" sorted_bam = self.configuration["execution"] + "/" + "sorted_bam" self.configuration["chicago_design_dir"] = "tests/data/test_run_chicago/data_chicago" #chinput = "tests/data/test_run_chicago/data_chicago/GM_rep1.chinput" output_files["chinput"] = self.configuration["execution"]+"/"+\ os.path.split(output_files["chinput"])[1] output_files["output"] = self.configuration["execution"]+"/"+\ os.path.split(output_files["output"])[1] hicup_folder = self.configuration["execution"]+"/"+\ os.path.split(output_files["hicup_outdir_tar"])[1] command_params = self.get_chicago_params(self.configuration)"Chicago command parameters "+ " ".join(command_params)) washu = self.configuration["execution"]+\ "/"+ os.path.split(output_files["washU_text"])[1] pdf = self.configuration["execution"]+\ "/"+ os.path.split(output_files["pdf_examples"])[1] results = self.chicago(output_files["chinput"], self.configuration["chicago_out_prefix"], output_files["output"], command_params, input_files["setting_file"], RMAP, out_baitmap, nbpb, npb, poe, washu, pdf ) compss_delete_file(rtree_file_idx) compss_delete_file(rtree_file_dat) compss_delete_file(chr_handler) compss_delete_file(RMAP) compss_delete_file(out_baitmap) compss_delete_file(bait_sam) compss_delete_file(npb) compss_delete_file(nbpb) compss_delete_file(poe) compss_delete_file(out_bam) compss_delete_file(sorted_bam) files_dir = os.listdir(self.configuration["execution"]) for file_ in files_dir: if file_.startswith("Digest_"+self.configuration["genome_name"]): os.remove(file_) output_metadata = { "output" : Metadata( data_type="data_chic", file_type="TAR", file_path=output_files["output"], sources=[ input_metadata["genome_fa"].file_path, input_metadata["fastq1"].file_path, input_metadata["fastq2"].file_path ], taxon_id=input_metadata["genome_fa"].taxon_id, meta_data={ "tool": "process_CHiC", "tool_description" : "run_chicago", } ), "washU_text" : Metadata( data_type="data_chic", file_type="TXT", file_path= output_files["washU_text"], sources=[ input_metadata["genome_fa"].file_path, input_metadata["fastq1"].file_path, input_metadata["fastq2"].file_path ], taxon_id=input_metadata["genome_fa"].taxon_id, meta_data={ "tool": "process_CHiC", "tool_description" : "run_chicago", } ), "pdf_examples" : Metadata( data_type="data_chic", file_type="PDF", file_path= output_files["pdf_examples"], sources=[ input_metadata["genome_fa"].file_path, input_metadata["fastq1"].file_path, input_metadata["fastq2"].file_path ], taxon_id=input_metadata["genome_fa"].taxon_id, meta_data={ "tool": "process_CHiC", "tool_description" : "run_chicago", } ) } return output_files, output_metadata